Thursday, September 23, 2010

It is 0630 and I have been up for about an hour

and I feel pretty good this morning.

My system seems to have returned to normal, which is good. All it has taken is a good night's sleep and a good meal.

I keep saying that it doesn't take much, and that is true enough.

One of the things I have noticed over the years is that I generally live better than most people under different conditions. The flight from Atlanta to Philly is a pretty good example.

The airplane was under-loaded and there were quite a number of empty seats on it, yet I had managed to be assigned a center seat with a persoon on either side.

I looked around and saw an entiree row that was empty and the second they closed the doors, I went straight for it and grabbed the center seat and buckled up so that there was a seat belt across my middle fairly snugly when I sprawled out across the three seats. I fell asleep instantly and I guess they must have decided to leave me alone for takeoff because I don't remember it, which is good. I must have slept well for a little more than an hour.

It astonishes me as to how many people will not get up and take advantage of a good situation like that and will stay in their assigned seats no matter what.

There are a lot of people that, being stuck between two stinky old winos will sit there and not say a word.

While I am not of the ilk to start a July Fourth fistfight over something as petty as aseat assignment, I certainly will take advantage of an empty row on a flight with no reservations.

Over the years I have found that there is nothing whatsoever with taking comfort where you find it. One does not have to practice being miserably, because that comes as natural as breathing does so you might as well be comfortable when you can.

Who knows?

Maybe the next flight I will be stuffed in between two real overweight people for six or eight hours like a sardine, so I might just as well be comfortable when I can.

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