Monday, September 13, 2010

I want my goddamned country back.

and I want it now.

I'm sick and tired of supporting every lousy low-life that's either too stupid or lazy to get off their ass ad take care of themselves. I'm tired of every single forn of misbehavior being diagnosed as a disease and legitimized.

I want the cure for the so-called disease that leads to poor behavior administered. The best one I can think of is fear. Fear of pain works, fear of incarceration works, too.

I'm tired of realizing that I had better arrange my furniture so that if someone tries to steal my TV and trips over my coffee table I can be sued,

I want to got back to a world where if someone is in my house with no business being there I can shoot him dead and have the police cart the body off and compliment me on my marksmanship.

I want to be able to go to the funeral of a dead GI without having to look over my shoulder to see if someone is going to arrive and make a mockery of it.

I want to return to a world where the Muslim community wouldn't even think of doing something as tasteless as building a mosque near Ground Zero.

I want the Westboro Baptist Church to burn down.

I want to be able to have the Muslim down the street join the Jew up the street and have a dinner or drinks or something on my porch and watch a fire and we complain about how old we are getting.

I want to go back to a country where we are not burying our children in their teens because I am tired of seeing GIs return in a box.

I'm tired of everyone stuffing their religion, sex, color, creed, national origin in my face or making some kind of statement. To the feminazi that told me she can hold her own door, excuse me for mistaking you as being a member of the human race.

I want my country back and I want it now.

I want kids of all faiths to be able to pray in school.

I want to hear kids pledge allegiance to the flag again.

I want a return to manners and basic civility. I want to hear words like 'please' and 'thank you' and 'excuse me'.

I want the streets safe, or at least the right to protect myself without having to spend my life savings to stay out of jail if I do have to defend myself against some savage that doesn't belong on the planet, anyway.

I want the damned government out of my bedroom, my house, my neighborhood and out of my life.

I damned well don't want to be told I can't chew gum unless I brought enough for everyone else. I'll share my gum with who I choose to, if anyone at all. It's my gum.

I'm damned well tired of listening to some imbicile play the race card.

I want the gay community to simply go about their business in a quiet and decent way. I'm tired of having anyone's sexuality thrust in my face.

I want to have the black guy six doors down, you know him, he's the guy that came home from work last winter and saw me busting my ass and helped me get my pickup out of the snowbank., to feel like he can stop by and have a cold one on my porch.

I want the United States Navy to shell the ports that pirates work out of if the host country won't try and stop them.

I want this idiot we call a president OUT of the oval office.

I want every single illegal immigrant out of the country and I want them out NOW!

I want to see Jesse Jackson get a real job and I want to watch Al Sharpton get beset upon by an angry mob.

I want to be able to have a life and be able to retire without the damned government taking my hard earned money and giving it to someone else that hasn't lifted a finger to take care of themselves. At this rate I won't be able to retire until I' m 104 years old.

I want to see neighborhoods clean themselves up by simply not tolorating crime and making it so hard for criminals that they leave.

I want to see the police cart off the real criminal and not the honest Joe that tried to protect his home and property.

I want to see a president like Ronald Reagan back in office because I just KNOW he won't tolorate any little banana republic trying to push us around.

I want to see the entire crew of the Sea Shepherd arrested, tried and convicted of piracy.

I want PETA to go away and leave me to my steak dinner.

I want people that go looking for trouble to find more than they were bargaining for.

I want boys to dress like boys instead of looking like little convicts.

I want men to dress like men instead of like damned teenagers.

I want girls to dress like girls instead of little sluts.

I want women to dress like women instead of trying to look like they're still 19 years old. Theres a quiet dignity to an older woman that i do not see enough of.

I want to be able to throw a couple kids in the back of a pickup and take them for a ride on a sultry evening without having the child protection people wanting to throw me in jail. I got to ride in the back of a pickup as a kid and it's a memory that ought to be passed on.

I want the woman I got stuck behind ai line at Wal Mart to start wearing a burka.

I want parents who have their kid caught red-handed in a stolen car full of drugs with a stolen .357 in his belt to ask themselves where they went wrong instead of looking there saying that their kid didn't do anything wrong.

I want my country back.

I want to be able to

my other blog is:


  1. I want MC4H back.

  2. MC4H says Dan Gray swallows.

  3. Dan Gray says "I've tried to choke down on MC4H's tool but it's to big, even for my big mouth!"

  4. Dan Gray says "MC4H knocked the elastic out of my butt and it felt great!"

  5. Right on the money... I honestly feel the same way as the author of this blog! I have to seriously agree...

  6. If I had a blog I probably wouldn't be banned right now. Go figure.

    Needs more bitching but the sentiment is there.

    p.s. I don't know what Dusty's problem with me is, we were going to meet up for dinner at Pubboys place once.

    Go figure.mc4h

  7. Clean, he's turned into the poster child for Political Correctnes and sucks a lot of tool in your eulogy thread in the Pit. He never had the balls to say it to your face and now he's getting a beat down. Hope you can log on a friend's computer and see it.

  8. I can't see it, I don't have a troll account either, never did get one.

  9. I give Pic a lot of shit, but he's actually a great American. God Bless him.
