Monday, September 27, 2010

The shortest distance between two

points is a straight line unless you are talking about going to the booby hatch. If that is the case, then the shortest distance is someone that is trying to save you from yourself.

There is nothing so maddening than someone that thinks that you are doing something wrong and steps in and screws up the entire detail.

Take the annual 'run the mower out of gas before you store it' job.

I took a piece of string and tied that stupid safety bail handle down after I had finished mowing the lawn and left it in the driveway.

Along came someone and untied the string, shutting the mower down before the gas had run out of it.

I was fortunate because I checked the tank so I could simply start it up and start to continue where I left off. I had no intention of standing next to the damned thing for a half-hour as I had better things to do like sit on my ass somewhere and goof off.

Fat chance.

Someone shut it down again.

Of course I had to hang around while the damned thing ran until I ran out of gas which took forever and a day. During which the person that shut me down came by and told me how they saved me gas and made things safe by removing the string and told me how I shouldn't override safety devices.

Of course, I politely explained to this poor misguided soul what I was doing and got a safety llecture in return and about how I should make the world safe for his children.

I told him simply to teach his children to leave other peoples stuff alone, fired the damned thing up and taped the bail handle and explained tht an old man that owned a baseball bat was a hell of a lot more dangerous than an unattended lawn mower.

I think he understood that because when I returned the mower was out of gas.

As usual a twenty minute job had takem me all afternoon.

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