Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The longest part of the tour has started.

it is 0730 and the relief crew is due here at about noon after which I go for a nice plane ride, which I really don't care for anymore. I used to love to fly and I still do, but not comercially. The TSA hassle is not worth it.

Anyway, the last watch seems to take more time than the rest of the entire tour did.

I think what I am going to do is overnight in Philly before I leave because leaving Philly for home in the evening will meaan I have to deal with dragging ass all the way home sleepless and a 0400 arrival which sucks bigtime.

Better to wake up and leave with some sleep under my belt.

One thing I generally don't get, which is common for seamen is a disease called 'channel fever'. It generally hits a guy when he is close to getting off and going home and the symptoms are an inability to sleep. I suppose some hifalutin' shrink had some sort of anxiety related name on it of some sort.

Still, I have been on a 6 on/off watch system for 2 weeks now and that really meand that I am not going to be 100% when I get off.

The cure, of course, is a double shot of brandy and a good night's sleep on a decent schedule like sacking out and waking up at a reasonable hour to get back on a shoreside schedule.

Anyway, it is now 0815 and noon is a light-year away.

One other thing: Airport food isn't the best fare in the world, either.
my other blog is:http://piccolosbutler.blogspot.com/

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