Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Back in the day, a sea story.

At sea a man's religion is his own business and in return they are expected to keep it to themselves. 

Once a religious zealot came aboard and almost instantly started carrying on. I stood up to the plate to deal with this guy.

Listen, we do not need any sky pilots and Bible punchers here. Your religion is your business and you had best keep it to yourself if you want to get along here. Nobody care what religion you are.

Presumably you are a fundementalist Christian of some sort which is fine. If you say grace before meals, fine. Most of us will probably stop for a second and nod while you pray a bit before eating out of respect for a fellow crewman's religion.

You were not hired for your religious affiliation. You were hired to do a job and that's it. Truthfully, most of us would rather have an athiest or an Estemenian that was a good deckhand instead of a good Christian. It's about doing a job to feed your family.

We don't care if you're Jewish or Mormon and don't drink coffee or eat pork. Don't eat it or drink it however you are still going to have to make coffee and cook bacon and pork chops so get used to it. It's aprt of the job.

If you start annoying everyone you'll most likely be run off. HR generally let's us settle things for the most part unless it's blatent predjudice and they're not stupid.

Now put your religion in your soul, grab a mop and get the galley squared away.

He turned out OK.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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