Tuesday, January 17, 2023

I've mentioned this some time back and it happened again.

I have a friend in health care that reported to me that a black man specified that he wanted a white doctor. I asked my friend if the man appeared to be college educated. He was.


My take on this is the man wanted a competent MD for which I can't slight him. His perceptions were likely based on what he sees as diversity policies in colleges these days. 

Now I don't know it race has anything to do with getting into a good medical school but I bet the guy that wanted a white doctor assumed it did and that the entry level requirements were lower for minorities than whites.

I can't say as I blame him for thinking that way. 

While I really don't care if a doctor that works on me is a minority or not, I certainly do care about his competence. I have in the past and will probably do so again in the future run a doctor's name through my friend to see if they are any good. While I do check their reputation for competence I don't bother checking out the crap like race, religion etc. because I don't care.

My friend told me about a certain black doctor that is one of the best in his field that occasionally has his competence questioned based on his race. That must suck yet I do understand why.

The forced diversity hurts all of us and is also a serious slap in the face of a minority that busts his ass and puts in all the time and effort to get a real education (as opposed to being handed some kind of participation trophy) because it punishes success.

During the BLM/Chop zone riots in Seattle I heard that black students at a Washington college were excused from taking finals because they were supposedly too busy fighting for their rights.

What horse$hit!

If I were some type of business leader, CEO or whatever running a corporation I would look at any degree holder from that institution with a very jaundiced eye and probably question their degree to see if it was earned or was a participation trophy. 

Access to education and opportunity should have nothing to do with race and everything to do with indivudual competence. Anything less is an insult to those competent enough to compete honestly.

Any organization that replaces the unrelenting pursuit of excellence with diversity for the sake of diversity might just as well close shop because they will likely produce nothing worthwhile again.

Forced diversity lowers standards and drags all of us down. When we return to the unrellenting pursuit of excellence irregardless of race, creed or color we'll be back on the road to success.


To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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