Sunday, April 2, 2023

A level! We need a level! I watched a YOUTUBE VIDEO!

And the tile setter guy says the tub has to be PERFECTLY LEVEL!

This ought to be good.

NOTHING in this house is level or plumb because it was build in 1949 as a tract house got GI Joe to buy on his GI Bill. 

The framing lumber came from a shipyard that built LSTs as Navy surplus. While it's dimensional, it's not current dimensional. The boards are a little wider and thicker but are actually reasonably close.

The studs are mostly somewhat warped and bowed out of shape. They used them anyway and the plasterer made everyone involved look pretty good in the end.

A level is used not so much to see it something is level, but to find out how far out of level it is. A square is used for the same reason.

Enter the woman that just watched a damned Youtube video and now knows it all...or thinks she does.

Basic carpentry is somewhat of a science. Remodeling/repairing an old house is an art. There's a difference, a big difference.

Several years ago I installed a couple of windows in an old house and took my time to make damned good and sure that they were evenly out of level like the rest of the windows.

Needless to say, the womman of the house said, "I have a LEVEL and I'm going to check every single one of them."

Needless to say, I had to reset the windows and afterwards when she went outside and saw they didn't match the old windows. The looked crooked. I had to come back and reset them the way I had the first time.

I got paid three times for that job. Doing it right, undoing it and doing it wrong and undoing it and doing it right.

I see a real horror show in the offing.

There is nothing worse that a person that watches too many Youtube videos and thinks she know what's going on.

It's gotten to the point where my doctor has a sign posted in his waiting room.

"You Google search does NOT trump my medical degree."

Update. There actually is one thing that is level in the house. It's the bathtub!

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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