Monday, April 24, 2023

Set it and forget it.

A lot of money is spent on 'features' which cost money and don't really do a hell of a lot.

Later today I will install a new shower faucet with special features allowing me to control not only volume, but pressure! An amazing valve that works wonders in shower comfort.

In reality I am going to turn both controls up to max and simply let all but the on/off switch corrode in place.

The faucet/valve/whatever the hell you want to call it was chosen by someone else who was all worked up and excited over the amazing new revolutionary features that don't really impress me even a little bit.

There's also a shower head that comes with this amazing set that was designed by some world famous designer but that's getting put in the closet until we sell the joint because I already know what it is going to be like. I can tell just by looking at it. Instead I am reusing the old shower head. I like it.

It's one of those water savers that I gutted the water saving part out of and it works just fine. Gives a pretty good shower and that's all that matters.

Cars are full of all kinds of fancy, expensive features that most people either ignore or simply set and forget. Back in 2009 I crawled out of the dark ages and bought a pickup with air conditioning mainly because I had no choice in the matter. I seldom use it, preferring to simply roll down the window and get some fresh air. 

I'll admit that I use it a couple of times a year when I get sruck in traffic but the truth is over the years it has been a pain in the ass because if you have something you have to keep it up and the AC has cost me over a grand over the years in repairs.

There's also all kinds of adjustments and doodads I either never use and some I'm probably not even aware of. 

I'm just a retired working stiff and the pickup is just that. It's a simple pickup that does what I want it to. It gets me around and hauls my stuff around. As I type this it is loaded for a dump run tomorrow morning when the dump opens.

I just spoke with a guy that got a new pickup a while ago and he confessed that there's a lot of things he doesn't use and added likely he doesn't know about which didn't surprise me.

I'm actually not anti technology as I really liked some of the useful features I found on the rental I rented in Florida recently. The built in GPS and backup camera were supurb and quite useful as was the head's up display in the windshield that not only was couples with the speedometer but also with the GPS. 

My current GPS is an ancient Suzie Garmen which still does the job but the GPS in the rental Mazda was fantastic. As was the backup camera. Mine is a tacky aftermarket that I installed myself.

Useful features are one thing but there are a bunch that I have little or no use for.

Don't get me started on an ICOM 7300 transceiver. THAT thing has a BOATLOAD of stuff I will never use!

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

1 comment:

  1. Once again Picollo you hit the nail on the head! I drive a 1999 2wd Tacoma that I bought new, and have absolutely no desire to upgrade to the newer battleships out there.
