Your job is to make money for someone else. In return you get a portion of it.
That's fair enough. (Where it gets arguable is the question of how big a portion of the money made by you efforts is fair.)
When I was working (and reasonably well paid) I looked around unlike a few others and saw that my employer had invested millions in the equipment I was paid to man. All I had financially invested in my career was the cost of my various licenses.
His investments had to be paid off as well as the wages of the people that manned the various vessels before he could put any money in his own pocket.
A lot of working stiff don't think about that part. They see that the vessel/plant/equipment makes a huge amount of money and they thing they are entitled to all of it.
Anyone that has watched a couple of episodes of 'Pawn Stars' sees this happen a lot. The drill is someone brings in an item, they call in an expert to give the retail value of the item and the haggling happens.
Say the expert deems the item to be worth a grand. The pawnbroker asks them what they want for it and a large number of people immediately say "I want $1000." (Some say they actually want more than retail.)
Needless to say, they get sadly disappointed when their item isn't worth retail to the pawn shop. A lot of people don't understand that a business has a number of expenses to be paid and the payments have to come from somewhere.
Same holds true for the cost of labor. A person has to realize, at least from a financial sense, that they are worth what someone is willing to pay them.
On the other hand, the employer has to pay the employee what they are willing to work for.
Over the years I have heard any number of things leveled against Bill Gates. While I don't like his politics even a little bit, there are any number of people that screech that he doesn't need all that money.
He probably doesn't but it's his and he earned it and taking it away from him is outright theft.
One of the things Gates DID do is to create wealth.
He didn't make all the money for himself. He created jobs and made a lot of other people rich. Like him or not, he didn't rip everybody off. He created a legitimate product that changed the entire way we live.
In doing so he created a lot of jobs and every single person he hired, either as a software engineer or a janitor got employment. They were paid at least the wage they were willing to work for and in a lot of cases MORE than hey were willing to work for.
If you don't like the idea of working to make money for someone else you certainly have a choice not to do so.
You have a right to take the bull by the horns and open your own business and work for yourself.
To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY
I've never seen it explained so well. This should be taught in every school in the nation. Better yet, taught to kids by their parents, but then the parents probably don't get it either.