Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Piccolo handles a grammar Nazi on Nextdoor.

I guess I forgot to dot an I or cross a T but some grammar Nazi that didn't like my attitude called me on it on Nextdoor with corrections to my grammar.

Please accept my apologies got my poor grammar. I didn't graduate from college. I was also unable to get into King's Point Merchant Marine Academy. Instead I had to study by myself at the kitchen table to pass the various tests to advance myself and they didn't include English and grammar.

I did, however master celestial navigation as a young teenager at the family kitchen table because my father taught it to me when I was thirteen years old. 

Because of my lack of education it took me about eight long years to pay my mortgage and car loans off and get out of debt. 

I suppose I could have retired at 62 but put it off until I was 71 because the fact is I was simply having too damned much fun.

Now that I am retired, do you think that you could help an old man out but teaching him how to read and spel gude?

Yours truly,

Captain Piccolo
US Merchant Marine Office


To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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